Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Towards a Better Indonesia

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys ^^
Now I will share an opinion on the idea that Indonesia be better.
The first is enforce the law in Indonesia! Learning from some of the cases that occurred in Indonesia that, the corrupt can
at will not receive a penalty
, while for the underprivileged and less fortunate for stealing timber or food be directly punished. It is true that stealing is not good deeds, breaking the law, sin, and so forth. But try to compare with the corrupt who steal public money a large pool.  I think its not fair.
I hope that the law in Indonesia can be enforced so that everyone gets the same treatment. Neither the rich, the poor, all are equal before the law. I also look forward to the Student who majored in law for justice in Indonesia someday.

The second, about education. I wish all children in the age of learning, can a decent education until compulsory education is completed. Do not let any children under age who actually work begging on the streets. Sometimes, I think where the government? Why do not they take care of poor and abandoned children as already stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945? What they could only take the people's money only? Huwallahu'alam.
In addition, I hope that the National Exam (NE) abolished in this country. Why? Because it's useless if the NE held later because the edges are leaking, leaking the answer key. What for? Its just waste of money! Out there, there are still a lot of really advanced country without NE. For the example is Finland. They can move forward even though there is no NE. While Indonesia?
The third is on television today. See, a lot of soap operas are not qualified containing elements of violence and romance that actually watched by children under age. Why the government does not change the time slot only? Midnight, if necessary to prevent violence in children today. Since most children today will imitate something he had seen on television.
I really hope that the government take action that is real for the future of Indonesia. Amen Ya Rabbal Alamin.

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